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American Stalls manufactures luxury stabling equipment and hardware for equestrian facilities across the globe. Our mission is to supply custom stabling equipment that promotes elegance, safety, and long-term value in our clients' barns. We achieve this by manufacturing the finest products – driven by a relationship-driven approach to customer service.


American Stalls is located out of Fairfax, Virginia, but can ship nationwide!

Phone: (855)957-8255

J & E Grill MfG

J & E Grill MfG should be one of the companies you look into when it comes to considering your needs for steel or aluminum, windows grills, stall doors, aluminum Dutch Windows, aluminum Dutch Doors, aluminum Sliding doors and more!  This family owned business has been passed down through generations and they say that quality is the root of their business and they enjoy making products that are built to last.  While they keep some products in stock, most items are made custom with client in mind. 


J & E Grill MfG is located in New Holland, PA but are able to provide their products to all of the United States.

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